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Our statistics are anonymous and allow us to analyze the traffic on our site.


This allows us to display the map and the location of our company.

While browsing the Internet, you have surely encountered a notification informing you of the use of cookies on a website. Although their name suggests sweet treats, their role in the digital world is quite different. In this article, we will explore the utility of cookies, their variety, and their importance in our browsing experience.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer or mobile device when visiting a website. It contains information used to improve your browsing experience, such as maintaining a user session or remembering specific preferences.

The different types of cookies

There are a variety of cookies, each with a specific function:

The benefits of cookies

Cookies offer numerous advantages for a better user experience:

Our commitment regarding cookies

We would like to clarify that we only use cookies for anonymous statistics. This means that we collect general information about how our users navigate our site, without ever identifying or tracking a specific user. Your privacy is our priority, and we are committed to respecting it under all circumstances.


AMG Concept




Monday to Saturday: By appointment

Privacy Policy - Manage your cookies

Our site uses cookies to remember your information, collect statistics to optimize the functionality of the site.
